Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Almost There!!

I am so intrigued that everyone wants to know the status of my vest. It is almost finished. I set out to finish it tonight, so that I could wear it tomorrow, but my eyes are starting to burn. Here is what happened.

I did a three-needle bindoff, to save myself from having to kitchener the shoulders.

I picked up stitches around the neckline, then did an I-Cord bindoff to make the neckline look more finished.

This is my stopping point for tonight. These I-Cord bindoff's take FOREVER. I keep telling myself "Knitting makes me have more patience". Well, once that's done, it will be done once and for all. Just one and a half more armholes to go. Yippee!! More pictures of me actually wearing it soon. I did try it on after I did the 3 needle bindoff on the shoulders, and it fits this time!!!


Deborah-- said...

Woo Hoo. You are almost there girl! So proud of ya (and no you can not start the Gathered Pullover yet). :-) You'll be wearing this on Thursday for sure.

CarrieM said...

Absolutely Fabulous! You'll be rockin' this in no time! You did a wonderful job Shameka!

Kim said...

Looking good! I really like how the neckline came out. The end is near and you'll be wearing this shortly.

Virtuous said...

You Get It! Get it!!