16 Weeks is the amount of time that I have to complete my 11 in 2011 project. It will be nothing short of a miracle if I can pull this off. It looks like Christmas knitting will become Valentine's knitting. So that means only Mommy and the Mr. will get something. Yes, I am being totally selfish and I deserve to be. Noone in this family wants to learn to knit, so too bad for them. Hahahaaaaa! OK, I will stop being so mean. Maybe I will squeeze in a hat or two. But more importantly, I need to get these sweaters done.
So, here is my list.
- Vaila by Gudrun Johnston
- Mod Podge by Adriana Hernandez
- Interlocking Cables by Shirley Paden
- Textured Circle Shrug by Stephanie Japel
- Military Jacket by Veronik Avery
- Effie by Kim Hargreaves
- Parcel by Carol Feller
- Chambord by Karen Maple
- Autumn Rose by Eunny Jang
- Wisteria by Kate Gilbert
- Dahlia Cardigan by Heather Zoppetti
I had a sweater on the list that was a DK weight tunic with a hood, but I scratched that because I knew it would take forever (as if the Kim Hargreaves sweater won't take forever). The real problem is, it was getting extremely heavy on my needle cables, and they popped. Instead of dealing with all that junk immediately, I decided to just do another sweater 1 needle size smaller.
So, here is my progress report.
Vaila is complete.
Mod Podge is completely knitted. I have to seam the sides and attach the arms. I also have to sew the belt onto a buckle, and add belt loops and snaps.
Interlocking Cables has the body done in one piece. The back is complete. I still have to do the front, sleeves, sew sleeve seams, join it to the body, and complete the collar. The goo thing is, I only have 2 seams to actually sew.
The Textured Circle Shrug has 1 sleeve complete and the body is complete. Once both sleeves are complete, I have to do an insane amount of ribbing around the shrug part. This sweater is all stickinette and reverse stockinette, so I should be able to easily finish it at knitting group or watching television.
The Military Jacket has the lower portion of the back complete. That's it.
Effie had 1/4 of the waistband complete. After I finish that, I have to start actually knitting the body. It is written in pieces, but I will do it in the round. I think seaming Kidsilk Haze would be a nightmare.
All of the others haven't been started yet. Parcel is destined to become the project that I work on during Rhinebeck weekend. Wisteria will be my NaKniSwemo Project. Autumn Rose will happen sometime in between. Dahlia may get casted on this month, only because I am itching to get the lace pattern done, and get it to a point where I can just do stockinette and be able to travel with it.
I know this looks like a ridiculously crazy task. However, there is a method to my madness. I will use my transit time to work on sleeves, and swatching, and stockinette portions that don't require much thinking. I have yarn for everything except for Chambord.
My plan for the week is as follows.
- Finish the front and sleeves of Interlocking Cables. Join the sleeves to the body and work on the Collar by next weekend
- Swatch for Dahlia
- Work on the Textured Circle Shrug during knitting group.
- Find a buckle for the Mod Podge belt.
More updated next Sunday. If I have an enourmous breakthrough in the middle of the week, expect to see something sooner.